more on SCRIBD... and in the book CODEX BIOGENESIS...


read the book on AMAZON here...

...a research starting then published 20 years ago...please, clic here...

October 2013: a new publication demonstrating why human genome is a WHOLE...

clic please on the peace symbol then access: ... AUTOUR DU LIVRE "CODEX BIOGENESIS"

mercredi 17 décembre 2008

"FEA": Frontier Emerging Art - Is there a "pure" Art?

Jean-claude Perez presents now Frontier Emerging Art on his FACEBOOK entry...

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Si je retraduis la première phrase en français, nous obtenons: Nous et Jean-Claude avions proposé de refaire des expériences déjà faites.

AU LIEU DE : "We suggested with Jean-Claude Perez working on experiments which we had already made. He quickly fell on an important area within the HIV1 virus which we had spent four years to find."
"We asked Jean-Claude Perez to run a series of experiments we had already finished. He quickly reached a key finding that had taken us four years."