more on SCRIBD... and in the book CODEX BIOGENESIS...


read the book on AMAZON here...

...a research starting then published 20 years ago...please, clic here...

October 2013: a new publication demonstrating why human genome is a WHOLE...

clic please on the peace symbol then access: ... AUTOUR DU LIVRE "CODEX BIOGENESIS"

jeudi 19 mars 2009

October 2009: book CODEX BIOGENESIS: les 13 codes de l'ADN

now a space available to discuss around CODEX BIOGENESIS:

"CODEX BIOGENESIS" book is coming now!

CODEX BIOGENESIS... is now available on AMAZON

Codex Biogenesis is now available in FNAC

Codex Biogenesis is now available in MARCO PIETTEUR's RESURGENCE Publisher

The FOREWORD by Carl Johan Calleman PhD

when a BINARY CODE emerges from the whole human genome DNA...

? Why Human and Chimpanze share TWO COMMON ANCESTORS ?

more data on facebook article...

1 commentaire:

MC a dit…

Enfin un chercheur (trouveur) français en convergence avec les travaux du Dr Calleman!

A lire et explorer avec très grande attention!