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October 2013: a new publication demonstrating why human genome is a WHOLE...

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lundi 6 décembre 2010

March 2011: J.C. Perez speech in BIT Life Science VACCINE world Congress Beijing China (supported by Pr Luc Montagnier FMPRS UNESCO Foundation and J.R. Fourtou VIVENDI UNIVERSAL chairman)

BIT Life Science VACCINE world Congress Beijing China
detailed Full Program sessions chapter 2... 

Part 2.2: Novel Vaccine Discovery Technology
Section 2-2-1: Bioinformatics, Antigen Design, and Vaccine Development
Time: March 23, 2011 13:30-17:10

Part 2.2: Novel Vaccine Discovery Technology
Section 2-2-1: Bioinformatics, Antigen Design, and Vaccine Development
Time: March 23, 2011 13:30-17:10
Dr. Vidadi M. Yusibov, Executive Director, Fraunhofer USA Center for Molecular Biotechnology, USA
Dr. Yongqun ”Oliver” He, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan Medical School, USA
Title: Using Comparative Bacterial Genomics to Identify Novel Vaccine Targets
Dr. Garth D. Ehrlich, Director, Department at Allegheny Singer Research Institute, Center for Genomic Sciences, USA
Title: VLP-based Vaccine against Malaria
Dr. Vidadi M. Yusibov, Executive Director, Fraunhofer USA Center for Molecular Biotechnology, USA
14:20-14:45 Title: Computational Antibody Vaccine Discovery by Conformational Epitope Prediction and Design of Novel Protein Scaffolds
Dr. Vaikuntanath Samudrala,
Associate Professor, Computational Biology Group, University of Washington, USA
Title: Systematic Analysis of Vaccine Targets of Bacterial Pathogens Using Vaxign Reverse Vaccinology
Dr. Yongqun ”Oliver” He, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan Medical School, USA
15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-15:55 Title: Decoding Non-coding Dna Codes: Human Genome Meta-chromosomes Architecture
Dr. Jean-Claude Perez, Individual Researcher, Bordeaux, France
(support from Pr Luc Montagnier FMPRS World AIDS Foundation UNESCO and Jean-rené Fourtou Vivendi Universal chairman)

BIT Life Sciences’ 3rd World Congress of Vaccine Beijing·China

Session Name: Section 2-2-1: Bioinformatics, Antigen Design, and Vaccine Development
Decoding non-coding Dna Codes: Human Genome Meta-Chromosomes Architecture
Dr. Jean-Claude Perez* support from Pr Luc Montagnier World AIDS Foundation UNESCO  

and Jean-René Fourtou Vivendi Universal chairman


The question of the hypothetical function of the 98% non-coding DNA of the human genome remains one of the major open problems of Genetics. In 2010, we prooved that the entire human genome codon population is fine-tuned around the "Golden ratio" ("Codon Populations in single-stranded DNA Whole Human Genome Are fractal and fine-tuned by the Golden Ratio 1618" , 2010, Interdisciplinary Science). We show how, across the entire human genome, there appears to be an overall balance in the whole single-stranded DNA. This digital balance fits neatly around 2 attractors whose predominant values are 1 and (3-Phi)/2, where Phi is the Golden Ratio. Yet, the same analysis applied to each of our 24 chromosomes and to each of the 25 chromosomes of the chimpanzee (book “Codex Biogenesis”, 2009), will reveal a strange phenomenon: while this study shows that populations of the respective genome codons of humans and chimpanzees are 99.99% correlated. It appears, also, that some human chromosomes are more similar to chimpanzee chromosomes than other human chromosomes. And vice versa. We then identified two clusters of chromosomes in humans and two other clusters in the chimpanzee chromosomes that correlated. Some human chromosomes (16 17 19 20 and 22) will appear at the extremity. Simultaneously, a study of the affinities of integrating HIV type genomes within various human chromosomes (Mitchell et al, 2004) have demonstrated a permeability 2 to 3 times that of all other chromosomes for chromosomes 16 17 19 and 22 which appear exactly in this extremity cluster. Thus, we are confronted with a paradox: the same analysis shows a global unity across the genome, whereas, applied to each of the constituent chromosomes of this same genome a great heterogeneity between these chromosomes is revealed. The objective of this study is, precisely, to analyse this paradox in greater depth. Then, we discovered a meta-structure that overlaps all 24 human chromosomes. It is based on a set of strong numerical constraints based particularly on Pi, Phi and integers numbers such as 2, 3 etc. A functionality of this fine-tuned structure appears: the structure is 90% correlated with the density of genes per chromosome from the Human Genome project. It is 89% correlated with the chromosome's permeability to intrusion by retroviruses like HIV, 94% with CpG density and 62% with SNP inserts/deletes. Finally, we discovered a classification network of the 24 human chromosomes, including one measuring scale, ranging from 1/Phi (chromosome 4) to 1/Phi + 1/Pi (chromosome 19), which is both correlated with the increasing density of genes and permeability to the insertion of external viruses or vaccines. To close this speech, we speculate on a powerful basic Pi, Phi based numerical projection law of the C O N H S P bio-atoms average atomic weights. We will reveal an integer number based code which unifies the 3 worlds of genetic information: DNA, RNA and amino acids. Correlating, synchonizing and matching Genomics/Proteomics global patterned images in all coding/noncoding DNA sequences, all biologic data is unified from bioatoms to genes, proteins and genomes. This code applied to the whole sequence of human genome, produces generalized discrete waveforms. We will show that, in the case of the whole double-stranded human genome DNA, the mappings of these waves fully correlate with the well known Karyotype alternate dark/grey/light bands.


Jean-Claude Perez, Ph.D. (Bordeaux university), is a French interdisciplinary scientist born in 1947 in Bordeaux (France). Perez worked with IBM in both Biomathematics and Artificial Intelligence research, inventing the "Fractal Chaos" neural network, his holographic-like memory « deja vu » novelty detector. In 1990, Perez published research showing strong links between both the worlds of fractals and Fibonacci numbers, which are based on the Golden ratio. In this last area, with "dna supracode", he proved that the DNA coding for genes is structured by proportions related to Fibonacci numbers. He verified this discovery in the field of the HIV genome, in partnership with Nobel Prize-winner Luc Montagnier. Perez has worked for 20 years in the fields of whole-genome numerical analysis and the numerical decoding of genes as coding or non-coding DNA sequences. Perez has also published five books, notably: L'ADN décrypté – 1997 and Codex Biogénésis, (Resurgence, Belgium – 2009.), registered an international Patent for high temperature superconductors (1994) and produced an audio CD entitled “The first music of genes” (1994). Awards: 1991 "Denis Guichard" prizewinner from the "Fondation de France".
* Dr. Jean-Claude Perez, Independent researcher, Bordeaux, France

vendredi 3 décembre 2010

Why ARSENIC could replace PHOSPHORUS? The "EQUATION of LIFE" could provide an explanation...

In this report from NASA researcher published by Dr Felisa Wolfe-Simon et al. on 2 December 2010 issue in SCIENCE,

there appears that in the 6 basic elements of LIFE (C O N H S P), the last Phsphorus could be replaced by As ARSENIC!!!!


A beginning of explanation could be prooved by JC Perez's «strange « EQUATION OF LIFE » reported:

1/ at the end of my 2010 paper:
^ Perez, J.-C. (September 2010). "Codon populations in single-stranded whole human genome DNA are fractal and fine-tuned by the Golden Ratio 1.618". Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Science 2 (3): 228-240 and full paper in

2/ on the coversheet of my book CODEX BIOGENESIS

3/on the chapter 20 of my book CODEX BIOGENESIS

A rapid simulation show that, effectively, in the squeleton of DNA, phosphorus atoms could be replaced by Arsenic atoms rcontinuying respecting perfect mass balances of equation of life!

We observe that error from "EQUATION of LIFE" projection in Pi/10 integers numbers scale ( entitled "Pi mass") are equivalent and optimal for 
ARSENIC  (AS=74.92160 
error=0.004573668 ) 
PHOSPHORUS(PH=30.973762 error=0.004501616 )...
... and perhaps Sb=121.760 error=0.001274146!!!!
Phosphorus, Arsenic and Sb are in the same Mendeleiev's periodic table column...

Particularly, we could demonstrate that in ( CODEX BIOGENESIS book page 254 )
Link Phosphate-Sugar of a DNA codon single strand
(C5H7PO5)3 = 534.2461242
 PiMass is +01PI/10 with an error=0.000502638...
 the same substituting Phosphate by Arsenic:
(C5H7AsO5)3 = 666.0896382
Pi mass is -01PI/10 with an error=0.005144508...

Abstract CODEX BIOGENESIS chapter 20:

popul ations d'ISOTOPES ,
« souffle premier de la Vi e » …
ou Un coin du voile dévoile le 13e CODE :
« L'Equation of Life »
(PI-masse projection), véritable « E =mc2 de la
Biologie »
Après avoir démontré l'évidence d'architectures numériques globales à
l'échelle des génomes entiers tout au long de ce premier tome du livre
(chapitre 19 en particulier), nous allons maintenant « plonger » au plus
profond des atomes, des isotopes même … Un premier périple du génome
vers l'atome, tel était l'enjeu de ce premier tome. Aussi, cet ultime chapitre
introduira le second tome – de l'atome au génome – dont il offrira une partie
de la clef : celle du treizième code …
Nous allons ainsi démontrer, grâce à la découverte du 13e code, qu'une
subtile et mystérieuse optimisation équilibre et pondère, tel un divin funambule,
les proportions respectives des isotopes constituant chacun des 4
atomes essentiels à la vie : l'hydrogène, l'oxygène, le carbone et l'azote.
Alors, parce que nous montrerons tout au long du tome 2 que ces très
hauts niveaux de « sens » élevés au niveau des génomes entiers seraient (et
sont) détruits dès que les proportions relatives des isotopes des bioatomes C
O N H seraient sensiblement modifiées …
Alors, nous pouvons affirmer que :
« Une condition nécessaire mais non suffisante à l'émergence dans
l'Univers de formes de vies semblables à la vie terrestre exige que l'on
trouve, dans ces régions de l'univers, (dans MARS ou TITAN par
exemple), les différents isotopes des bioatomes C O N H dans des
proportions identiques à celles observées sur Terre » …
Plus précisément :
« L'émergence de la vie exige l'existence de proportions précises
entre les différents isotopes de chacun des 4 bioatomes C (carbone) O
(oxygène) N (azote) H (hydrogène) telles que l'équilibre entre ces
proportions (C12/C13, O16/O17/O18, N14/N15 et H1/D) soit strictement
identique à celui observé dans l'atmosphère terrestre ».
Une grande question philosophique parachève alors ce chapitre, donc ce
premier tome :
« L'équilibre optimal des proportions d'isotopes des 4 atomes de la
vie révélé ici est-il :
une conséquence naturelle de l'évolution de la vie sur la terre ?
ou bien, plutôt, la manifestation d'une supra dimension de
l'atome dont chaque isotope ne serait qu'une sorte de mesure
quantique ?
Suivant la réponse choisie, c'est toute la question de la réalité ou
bien de l'illusion de la matière qui se pose alors … »
Si l'on choisit le premier scénario, cela renforce l'hypothèse « GAIA » de
James Lovelock selon laquelle chaque élément de vie ou de matière apporterait
sa pierre à l'équilibre du grandiose édifice de la vie sur terre. Mais cela
éclairerait sous un angle nouveau la question du réchauffement climatique
causé par l'activité industrielle et économique des hommes. Cela renforcerait
aussi – je le démontrerai – le rôle dévastateur de l'homme sur l'environnement
tant par la pollution industrielle (cancers) que par la nourriture industrielle
(OGM). La question du réchauffement climatique ne se limiterait plus
à la seule couche d'ozone mais bien plus à la modification des équilibres
entre isotopes résultant de l'activité humaine.
Si l'on opte maintenant pour le second scénario, cela signifierait que
l'atome et les isotopes tels que nous les montre la physique du réel ne seraient
qu'une sorte d'illusion optique, les atomes véritables étant multi-isotopes et se
déployant dans un hyperespace qui échappe à la science actuelle mais dont la
physique quantique (voir chapitre 2) constituerait une ébauche …
Cela signifierait encore que la vraie masse atomique serait la masse
atomique moyenne de l'atome, tous isotopes confondus, tandis que les
masses atomiques individuelles de chaque isotope ne seraient que des « vues
partielles » de cet atome global et multi-isotopes.
Alors, face à tel scénario, tout chercheur devra se sentir infiniment
modeste parce que écrasé par l'infini des savoirs encore ignorés …

lundi 18 octobre 2010

October 2010: A complete biography of jean-claude PEREZ

a detailed english biography here...

mardi 12 octobre 2010

Oct. 2010: full paper available: "Codon populations in single-stranded whole human genome DNA Are fractal and fine-tuned by the Golden Ratio 1.618"

The paper of Jean-claude Perez...

"Codon populations in single-stranded whole human genome DNA Are fractal and fine-tuned by the Golden Ratio 1.618."

Full Text here

FULL TEXT is now available  from SPRINGER VERLAG...

and also in PDF full text here...

mercredi 29 septembre 2010


The question of how superconductivity emerges spontaneously from high-temperature superconductors is one of the major unsolved problems of theoretical Physics.
In 2010, the famous discovery by Antonio Bianconi et al. published in NATURE, shows evidence of fractal structure of high temperature superconductors.
meanwhile, 16 years ago, in 1994, jean-claude perez published yet an international patent proposing to optimize high temperature superconductors using a specific region of the FRACTALS spectrum: GOLDEN RATIO (METHOD FOR THE FUNCTIONAL OPTIMISATION OF HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTORS BY CONTROLLING THE MORPHOLOGICAL PROPORTIONS OF THEIR THIN LAYERS ).
In fact, J.C. Perez's main questionning is about this mysterious trilogy:
-Fractal worlds.
-Golden ratio.
-and high level structures emerging from matter (high temperature superconductors) or life (DNA)...

More data on this strange trilogy in:

The book CODEX BIOGENESIS (2009)

The 3 INTERNET J.C. Perez's WEBsites: